Monday, November 4, 2019

Police Entrapment Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Police Entrapment - Research Paper Example So it can be established that any act performed with the motive of damaging the framed jurisdiction can be phrased as Entrapment (Stitt & James, April 1984, pp. 111-112). In an entrapment activity police creates the favorable conditions for the commission of offense. But in this note it is to be mentioned that the offender does not play any such vital role. This act is majorly carried down entirely by the police itself. They are basically a ratification of laws making illegal acts which many people had addressed as â€Å"victimless crimes†. In order to prevent these inexcusable acts various special law enforcement agencies had been established with a view of preventing theses crimes as they did not result into complaints from the victimized. In this connection Dempsey and Forst (2013) said, â€Å"Inducement is the key word; when police encouragement plays upon the weakness of the innocent persons and beguiles them into committing crimes they normally would not attempt, it can be deemed improper because it is entrapment and the evidence is barred under the exclusionary rule†. It has been also said that entrapment is a confirmatory defense and can be easily raised at trial. It is based on certain belief where people should not be persuaded of a defense that is completely initiated by the government. It on the whole arises when the government representatives implant the seed with an intention of crime. This view on the contrary hold another prospective where it has been explained that by simply giving a person an opportunity of committing a crime cannot simply subjected to entrapment (Dempsey, Forst, 2013, pp. 151). Evidences specified that entrapment by police was not a new concept. It laid its root way back during 1959s where unjustified acts were forced to be proved as justified by the police. A case in USA gave rise to a revamped consideration of the defense of entrapment. The country witnessed many cases of entrapment by police then. The crime w as broadening at a remarkable speed. There also it was observed that the victims did not complain. It became mandatory for the law to take action against it. In order to prevent the criminal issues the government itself took initiative and actions. It strengthened the rule regarding entrapment activities. The police force being doubled it had been still impossible to execute the laws regarding entrapment. Special work forces like informers, special employees were deployed by the government for the evacuation of a crime as entrapment but the purpose did not get solved. There had been evidences which specified in some situations it became difficult for a police or official to make arrest for any of the crime just detailed. But in contrast there were cases too which witnessed that the answers regarding the enforcement law determined that in large measure opinions were with respect to the defense of entrapment. It was explained that one who opposed the categorization of crimes would cir cuitously hold up the concept of entrapment by police and thus would authorize its more repeated incantation (Williams, 1959, pp. 405). In addition to all this entrapment had also been referred as a proactive law enforcement strategy. This remark was made as because its dimensions included reactive strategies such as complaints investigation. Police entrapment followed series of under covered operatives

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