Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Discussion Question Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 4

Discussion Question - Assignment Example d in the GE official website, â€Å"during his 20 years of leadership in this position, Welch increased the value of the company from $13 billion to several hundred billion†¦ In 1999, Fortune named him the "Manager of the Century," and the Financial Times recently named him one of the three most admired business leaders in the world today† (General Electric Company (GE), 2012, pars. 1 & 7). As GE’s products and services have been reported to encompass various industries and customers worldwide (appliances, aviation, consumer electronics, electrical distribution, energy, health care, lighting, to name a few) (General Electric Company (GE0, 2012), the traits, style and characteristics exuded by Jack Welch made him effective in this organization. In one’s current role at work, the most relevant elements of that style that could be incorporated is the ability to discern which particular style would be applicable to the current situation or setting and to the particular personalities of the subordinates. As emphasized by Martires and Fule (2004), â€Å"the application of any one style depends on the situation† (p. 161). As exemplified by Welch, his leadership style could be very autocratic and at the same time be democratic depending on the needs of the organization. His ability to discern which style to apply made him most effective and enabled the tra nsformation of the organization to heights which have not been achieved prior to his leadership. Williger, D. (2007, November 3). A Number Of Famous Leaders And Their Different Leadership Styles. Retrieved May 15, 2012, from

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