Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Eadweard Muybridge, the Father of Motion Pictures

Eadweard Muybridge (born  Edward James Muggeridge; April 9, 1830–May 8, 1904) was an English inventor and photographer. For his pioneering work in motion-sequence still photography he became known as the Father of the Motion Picture. Muybridge developed the zoopraxiscope, an early device for projecting motion pictures. Fast Facts: Eadweard Muybridge Known For: Muybridge was a pioneering artist and inventor who produced thousands of photographic motion studies of humans and animals.Also Known As: Edward James MuggeridgeBorn: April 9, 1830 in Kingston upon Thames, EnglandDied: May 8, 1904 in Kingston upon Thames, EnglandPublished Works: Animal Locomotion, Animals in Motion, The Human Figure in MotionSpouse: Flora Shallcross Stone (m. 1872-1875)Children: Florado Muybridge Early Life Eadweard Muybridge was born in 1830 in Kingston upon Thames, Surrey, England. Born Edward James Muggeridge, he changed his name when he immigrated to the United States, where the majority of his work as a professional photographer and innovator occurred. After several years in New York City, Muybridge moved west and became a successful bookseller in San Francisco, California. Still Photography In 1860, he made plans to return to England on business and began the long stagecoach journey back to New York City. Along the way, Muybridge was badly injured  in a crash; he spent three months recovering in Fort Smith, Arkansas and did not reach England until 1861. There, he continued to receive medical treatment and eventually took up photography. By the time Muybridge returned to San Francisco in 1867, he was a highly skilled photographer educated in the latest photographic processes and printing techniques. He soon became famous for his panoramic landscape images, especially those of Yosemite Valley and San Francisco. In 1868, the U.S. government hired Muybridge to photograph the landscapes and native people of Alaska. The journey resulted in some of the photographers most stunning images. Subsequent commissions led Muybridge to photograph lighthouses along the West Coast and the standoff between the U.S. Army and the Modoc people in Oregon. Motion Photography In 1872, Muybridge began experimenting with motion photography when he was hired by railroad magnate Leland Stanford to prove that all four legs of a horse are off the ground at the same time while trotting. But because his cameras lacked a fast shutter, Muybridges initial experiments were not successful. Things came to a halt in 1874, when Muybridge found out that his wife might have been having an affair with a man named Major Harry Larkyns. Muybridge confronted the man, shot him, and was arrested and placed in jail. At trial, he pleaded insanity on the grounds that trauma from his head injury made it impossible for him to control his behavior. While the jury ultimately rejected this argument, they did acquit Muybridge, calling the killing a case of justifiable homicide. After the trial, Muybridge took some time off to travel through Mexico and Central America, where he developed publicity photographs for Stanfords Union Pacific Railroad. He resumed his experimentation with motion photography in 1877. Muybridge set up a battery of 24 cameras with special shutters he had developed and used a new, more sensitive photographic process that drastically reduced exposure time to take successive photos of a horse in motion. He mounted the images on a rotating disk and projected the images via a magic lantern onto a screen, thereby producing his first motion picture in 1878. The image sequence Sallie Gardner at a Gallop (also known as The Horse in Motion) was a major development in the history of motion pictures. After exhibiting the work in 1880 at the California School of Fine Arts, Muybridge went on to meet with Thomas Edison, an inventor who was, at the time, conducting his own experiments with motion pictures. Muybridge continued his research at the University  of  Pennsylvania, where he produced thousands of photographs of humans and animals in motion. These image sequences depicted a variety of activities, including farm work, household labor, military drills, and sports. Muybridge himself even posed for some photographs. In 1887, Muybridge published a massive collection of images in the book Animal Locomotion: An Electro-Photographic Investigation of Connective Phases of Animal Movements. This work contributed greatly to scientists understanding of animal biology and movement. The Magic Lantern While Muybridge developed a fast camera shutter and used other state-of-the-art techniques to make the first photographs that show sequences of movement, it was the zoopraxiscope—the magic  lantern, his pivotal invention in 1879—that allowed him to produce that first motion picture. A primitive device, the zoopraxiscope—which some considered the first movie projector—was a lantern that projected via rotating glass disks a series of images in successive phases of movement obtained through the use of multiple cameras. It was first called a zoogyroscope. Death After a long, productive period in the United States, Muybridge finally returned to England in 1894. He published two more books, Animals in Motion and The Human Figure in Motion. Muybridge eventually developed prostate cancer, and he died in Kingston upon Thames on May 8, 1904. Legacy After Muybridges death, all of his zoopraxiscope disks (as well as the zoopraxiscope itself) were bequeathed to the Kingston Museum in Kingston upon Thames. Of the known surviving disks, 67 are still in the Kingston collection, one is with the National Technical Museum in Prague, another is with Cinematheque Francaise, and several are in the Smithsonian Museum. Most of the disks are still in very good condition. Muybridges greatest legacy is perhaps his influence on other inventors and artists, including Thomas Edison (the inventor of the kinetoscope, an early motion-picture device), William Dickson (the inventor of the motion picture camera), Thomas Eakins (an artist who conducted his own photographic motion studies), and Harold Eugene Edgerton (an inventor who helped develop deep-sea photography). Muybridges work is the subject of the 1974 Thom Andersen documentary Eadweard Muybridge, Zoopraxographer, the 2010 BBC documentary The Weird World of Eadweard Muybridge, and the 2015 drama Eadweard. Sources Haas, Robert Bartlett.  Muybridge: Man in Motion. University of California Press, 1976.Solnit, Rebecca.  River of Shadows: Eadweard Muybridge and the Technological Wild West. Penguin Books, 2010.

Monday, December 23, 2019

Book Review of Liberty and Power Essay - 959 Words

Harry L. Watson, Liberty and Power; The Politics of Jacksonian America Hill and Wang, N.Y. Review written by Richard Foust Book Review Harry L. Watson’s book, â€Å"Liberty and Power, The Politics of Jacksonian America†, takes an analytical look at America and her politics during the Age of Jackson. Watson uses the economy and the ideological mindset of the people, to support a powerful argument about the beginning of American political parties and their importance in defining the political direction of the country. Watson argues that economic inequalities caused by the â€Å"Market Revolution† and a threat to American liberty caused Americans to organize politically in support of a†¦show more content†¦The subsistence farmer, unable to compete, saw the Market Revolution as a threat to his liberty and acted on this threat. Watson surmises that with this threat, politically active citizens were ripe for a political party system that would protect their independence and liberty. Enter Andrew Jackson, who appealed to those voters who felt threate ned by the changing economic picture. Jackson and his supporters believed that the Republican/Whig political party represented an elitist, aristocratic government that would put the ever expanding economy and their own profit above the liberty and good of the majority and it was the good of the majority that Jackson would rely on with great success. He believed that the preservation of the Republic depended on the majority and the majority was represented by independent farmers, who were profiting the least from the Market Revolution. Believing that any government based on aristocracy could become corrupt, he felt that that the best way was to treat all of the citizens alike and turn the rule of the country over to the majority. This majority, with the fiery General Andrew Jackson as their leader, would create the Democratic Party. Watson’s focus on political parties, chapter 6, is an important part of this book. Not only does it support his argument, but it also gives the re aderShow MoreRelatedThe Supreme Court s Marbury V. Madison Essay1140 Words   |  5 Pagesdecision would forever alter the political framework of the United States. Resulting in the creation of judicial review—the power to determine if a piece of legislation is constitutional, that is, whether or not it infringes on the provisions of existing law —the Marbury v. Madison decision arguably made the judicial branch the most powerful division of the federal government. Today, judicial review is a fundamental part of American government, standing as a testament of the significance of the historicalRead MoreThe Real Lincoln : A New Look At Abraham Lincoln1366 Words   |  6 PagesIn Thomas J. DiLorenzo’s book, The Real Lincoln: A New Look at Abraham Lincoln, His Agenda, and an Unnecessary War, he reveals the truth about Abraham Lincoln and attempts to get rid of the myths that many have told. 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Sunday, December 15, 2019

Influences that helped Nayar to create Free Essays

Abstract In this paper, an analysis will be made about the Innovative leader Vineet Nayar, a former CEO of HCLT. This paper examines and describes his leadership techniques within his organizations. In this paper, I will analyze the global trends that influenced the need for Nayar to create a more Innovative organization. We will write a custom essay sample on Influences that helped Nayar to create or any similar topic only for you Order Now Also, this paper will introduce the five discovery skills and assess Nayar’s use of them as an innovative leader within his organization. Lastly, I will make recommendations for improvement on use of the discovery skills. Factors In the global environment that Influenced Nayar’s need to create a more innovative organization In the article A Maverlk CEO Eplalns How He Persuaded HIS Team to Leap into the Future, Vineet Nayar was the president of the Delhi-based IT service provider, HCL Technologies. In 2005, Nayar noticed that his company was losing market share and mindshare. He also noticed that his competitors were becoming more enhanced at substantial rates each year. According to Nayar, a global organization is one that Inverts the pyramid of the organizational structure and Is more entrepreneurial (2013). Nayar traveled to locations around the world and had meetings with senior managers where he would listen to their ideas; they would talk honestly, and face the truth. According to Nayar, â€Å"This method enabled people to see that a change has to be made. † This technique came to be called Mirror Mirror. Nayar’s use of the five discovery skills and how he used those skills to create an According to The DNA of Innovators, an organization’s success vanes systematically throughout the business life cycle. The discovery skills are most prominent in the early phases of a businesses life cycle (Dyer, Gregersen, and Christensen 2011 The five discovery skills are associating, questioning, observing. networking and experimenting. Associating, as Dyer, Gregerson, Christensen (2011) stated, â€Å"happens as the brain tries to make sense of novel inputs. Associating helps innovators discover new directions by making connections across seemingly unrelated questions, problems or ideas (pg 23). † When Nayar determined the direction he wanted his company to go in Is when he used the associating skill. Although his company was doing very well at the moment, he noticed key points that allowed him accept the fact that his company eeded a new strategy. The second discovery skill is questioning. In The DNA of Innovators, â€Å"Innovators ask questions to understand how things really is today, why they are that way, how 1 OF2 included his employees to find out their outlook and ideas. He questioned them to determine which direction they thought the company needed to heed in. Nayar also spoke to and questioned customers to find out their likes and dislikes with HCL. He realized that the value zone for his company was between the customers and the frontline employees. The third discovery skill is observing. Innovators use this skill by carefully watching the world around them so that what they see can help them build ideas for new ways to do things. This is what Nayar was doing when he traveled to locations around the world. He was attempting to gain insight on his company on a larger scale. The fourth discovery skill is networking. The idea networker does not simply network to sell themselves or gain relationships to possess desired resources. According to Dyer, Gregerson Christensen, the idea networker, â€Å"networks to actively tap into new ideas and insights by talking with people who have diverse ideas and erspectives. By Nayar speaking with his front line employees and customers to gain insight on the direction of his company, this is a form of networking â€Å"ideally. † The last discovery skill is experimenting. Innovators use this skill by traveling to new places, seeking new information and trying new things ideas. Nayar experimented when it used the EFCS concept. Th is concept reversed the hierarchal organizational structure by which he valued the ideas and thoughts of his employees on a greater scale. He saw it best to get information from the people who where ctually dealing with the outside world daily, and knew what the customers wanted. Opportunities for Nayar to improve his use of the skills that encourage and support innovative organizations Ultimately, Nayar worked the discovery skills very well. He made rational thought through decisions that ended up benefiting his company greatly. I do feel that although Nayar changed the traditional organizational hierarchy, he cannot forget about his managers and higher level executives. Although he bridged the gap and received valuable information, he has to keep in mind that he placed people in those ositions for a reason and therefore he should value their opinions on the situation as well. Networking is also something he has to make sure he continues to build on. This is very important when trying to build an organization on a global scale. How to cite Influences that helped Nayar to create, Papers

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Socrates8217s argument with Crito Essay Example For Students

Socrates8217s argument with Crito Essay Socrates has presented a period of questions and answers through dialogue with Crito to examine if he going into exile will damage his reputation. Socrates questions and answers with Crito establishes that a person must decide whether the society he or she lives has a just reasoning behind it’s own standards of right and wrong and that a person must have pride in the life that he or she leads. By confirming these two concepts through questions, Socrates attempted to prove to his companion Crito, that the choice that he has made is just: â€Å"I am the kind of man who listens only to the argument that on reflection seems best to me. I cannot, now that this fate has come upon me, discard the arguments I used; they seen to me much the same.†(46b) Socrates believes that we have every chance to reject our society (majority) and turn down what it has stood for and against: â€Å"if he is not satisfied with us or the city, if one of you wants to go and live in a colony or wan ts to go anywhere else, and keep his property.† (51d) If we make a choice to remain under the influence of a society we are making an unconscious settlement with that society to live our life by its standards and virtues. By living in Athen for 70 years Socrates has agreed to have faith in the cities virtues and in the force of decisions that are imposed upon him and as a citizen he respects them. Any person that disobeys these laws deliberately attempts to destroy these laws and the society that has created them: â€Å"However, that whoever of you remains when he sees how we conduct our trials and manage the city in other ways, has in fact come to an agreement with us to obey our instructions.† (51e). If the decisions of the city are not respected as honourable, the structure of that civilization will fall to pieces. If a person is found violating the standards of his or her society and does not accept the consequences of his or her actions there can’t be a syst em of law that construct order. â€Å"You must either persuade it or obey its orders, and endure in silence whatever it instructs you to endure, whether blows or bonds, and if it leads you into war or be wounded or killed you must obey.†(51b) Socrates adjusts these theories to the option to escape from his captors and abandon their conclusion on his future. Crito begins to understand Socrates view in his suggestion. â€Å"the only valid consideration is whether we should be acting rightly in giving with the escape, or whether in truth we shall do wrong in doing all this.† (49c) Socrates concludes that if he followed Crito’s advice he would be committing several dishonest actions against his own society that were build by his ancestors. To disobey your own society, is to let down your own parent’s virtues that taught you what is right and wrong: â€Å"be honoured more then your mother, your father, and all your ancestors, †¦and that it counts for mor e among the gods and sensible men, that you must worship it†(51b) By constructing the concept of right and wrong, in the beginning of the part, Socrates creates an argument that he cannot do something dishonest. Running away from decision that his own society has made would bring shame to his family and nobility. Even if he have been wrong imprisoned and sentenced to death, he strongly believes that two wrongs cannot make one right! He believes with vigor in his moral principles and his society’s values. He also believes his judgments are correct in his actions. Therefore he would make himself a traitor and guilty in everyone’s eyes if he escaped into exile. .u715d0e2ddfc4cbccc8098469493596af , .u715d0e2ddfc4cbccc8098469493596af .postImageUrl , .u715d0e2ddfc4cbccc8098469493596af .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u715d0e2ddfc4cbccc8098469493596af , .u715d0e2ddfc4cbccc8098469493596af:hover , .u715d0e2ddfc4cbccc8098469493596af:visited , .u715d0e2ddfc4cbccc8098469493596af:active { border:0!important; } .u715d0e2ddfc4cbccc8098469493596af .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u715d0e2ddfc4cbccc8098469493596af { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u715d0e2ddfc4cbccc8098469493596af:active , .u715d0e2ddfc4cbccc8098469493596af:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u715d0e2ddfc4cbccc8098469493596af .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u715d0e2ddfc4cbccc8098469493596af .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u715d0e2ddfc4cbccc8098469493596af .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u715d0e2ddfc4cbccc8098469493596af .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u715d0e2ddfc4cbccc8098469493596af:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u715d0e2ddfc4cbccc8098469493596af .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u715d0e2ddfc4cbccc8098469493596af .u715d0e2ddfc4cbccc8098469493596af-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u715d0e2ddfc4cbccc8098469493596af:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: 1936 Nazi Olympics Essay Socrates succeeded to defend his actions by showing how shocking it would be to break the rules. Considering all of his points that he made in his defense, Socrates can continue to keep his dignity, and sense of right and wrong. He has shown others, such as Crito and myself that there is a pleasure in not agreeing an â€Å"empty† victory and sustaining ones own innocence cause your soul may live for many societies in the future. By bringing together what is right and a person’s belief he has created a perfect truth, the idea of a perfect and discipline society.Bibliography:

Friday, November 29, 2019

Physician Assisted Suicide

Introduction In the recent past there have been calls to legalise Physician Assisted Suicide (PAS). There are several arguments given to justify this course of action. In this paper I will outline why it is morally wrong to advocate for the legalization of PAS. I will then analyse the arguments given by the proponents of PAS. Finally I will show why the arguments supporting PAS are not sufficient to warrant such acts.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Physician Assisted Suicide specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More PAS and moral, ethical and religious considerations There are three types of PAS. In voluntary PAS, the patient explicitly asks the doctor to end their life. There is also involuntary PAS, where the patient does not want to die and the doctor performs the act without their knowledge. There is also non-voluntary PAS where the patient’s wishes are unknown due to the person’s unconscious state so t he family decides what is best for the patient. PAS is only legal in the State of Oregon. It has not been legalized in other States in the country despite the great arguments advanced by different scholars. For a doctor to participate in PAS, it will require him to break the Hippocrates oath taken when they start medical school. As per the oath, the individual is required to be a healer. He or she is expected to prescribe medical solutions that will prolong life and provide relief to the patient. Legalizing PAS will create issues of trust between the doctors and patients. The patients may become fearful in situations where the expenses of the hospital are high. They may feel that the doctors may take the lives of patients as a cost cutting measure. Legalizing the procedure will also cause the family and friends of the patient to have great moral and ethical dilemmas. What will the caretakers do when the doctor is not around and the patient requests for assisted suicide? If the legal dose is administered and death does not come quickly, the caregiver may resort to more aggressive means like putting a paper bag over the person’s head and suffocating them. Such individuals will suffer great guilt and remorse and will take longer even to grieve the death of their loved one (Emmanuel, Fairclough and Emmanuel, 2462). From a religious point of view, life is viewed as a gift of God. It is considered to be a sacred gift. No individual should take the place of God to decide the point at which life should end. Individuals should only be given a choice when it comes to accepting medication or surgery which is unlikely to provide a cure and in addition will cause a great financial burden to the family or the community. Caring for the sick should be seen as a great opportunity for young people to give back to the family and the community. The aged and elderly should have their needs addressed. Their needs are not just physical needs but also emotional and psychologic al needs. There should be the development of a strong bond where there is a lot of nourishment and compassion given to the terminally ill.Advertising Looking for essay on ethics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The Case for PAS There are arguments that the terminal patients who request for PAS are suffering from intense pain that cannot really be treated. They therefore feel it is better if they died than continue living on. It is argued that individuals have different thresholds for pain. There are those who have to take massive doses of opium while others would be relieved with only adequate doses of acetaminophen. There are the patients who suffer from severe pain and there is no medication that can lessen the pain (Gill, 32). The terminal diseases also destroy the organs of the body and someone ends up looking like a ghost of their former selves. In certain types of cancer, the toes of the individual become darker and at t imes fall off. There may also be secretions from the face and neck. There are also physiological conditions such as shortness of breath, choking, diarrhoea and nausea which cannot really be treated by using the available medicines in the market. They are recurrent symptoms. There are also terminal diseases where there is no cure or hope of recovery. The doctors have already informed them that they will die in the next six or eight months. If death is inevitable for the patients, then the patients should have the right to choose a â€Å"good† death. Death that arises out of the extreme symptoms of certain terminal diseases cannot be classified as a natural death. There are patients who have lost the ability to perform some of their basic functions. They have involuntary bowel movements. They cannot do anything by themselves. They have to utterly depend on someone to do everything for them. The inability to have independence is not only physical but it extends to economic situa tions. The terminally ill find that they cannot work therefore they do not have any income stream to support themselves. They therefore feel that they are a burden to their caretakers emotionally and financially. They feel that the time of active contribution to their homes and the society is over. In research studies carried out, it was discovered that even in hospitals where there was great palliative care a significant percentage of the patients had taken certain medications with the hope of hastening their deaths. They have therefore made a choice that they do not want to continue living. This shows that the PAS requests are not based on the fact that the end of life care administered is substandard. Even where quality care is administered the patients have made a conscious decision about their future. Another argument advanced is that an individual has the right to choose whether they want to die in dignity or not. They do not want to become completely dependent on their family and friends. They do not want to watch their bodies getting disfigured every day from diseases which are incurable.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Physician Assisted Suicide specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More They know that they will lose their mental faculties and even functional abilities. They will also be vulnerable since they will not have control over their external environments. They will not be able to perform basic functions. They will have no control of their bowel movements. In light of all these conditions, the proponents of PAS argue that people should be allowed to have choice and autonomy in their lives. Finally, it is argued that the decision of PAS is done between two consensual adults. There is no coercion. The doctor and patient are not being forced to do anything. It is two adults who know the matter being discussed. It is voluntary PAS therefore it should not be termed as wrong whether on le gal or moral grounds. The Case against PAS The arguments supporting legalization of PAS are hollow. The truth of the matter is that the requests for PAS usually come from patients who are depressed. It stems out of psychological distress rather than physical stress. Depression is one of those conditions where the patient may desire for an early death. The elderly frequently find themselves in positions where they are neglected causing them to feel lonely and neglected. The caregivers may also make them feel that they are a burden. It would be better for doctors to find ways of detecting depression and treating it instead of looking for ways to legalise PAS. These are self-destructive wishes of the patients which need to be addressed adequately. If the patients were in an environment where they are receiving competent care, the requests for PAS would be minimal (Foley, 54) . There is also the slippery argument against PAS. There is the danger that if PAS is legalized, it would now be come the norm instead of being used for only exceptional cases. It would eventually be used for the disabled, the chronically ill and the psychological depressed. There are healthy individuals who do not want to continue living. They have lost hope and want to die. If the argument that an individual should have access to PAS due to individual choice and autonomy suffices, then it would mean that PAS would be administered even to the mentally unstable. It may be argued that in Oregon before PAS is administered, a psychological evaluation is carried out to rule out patients suffering from depression. It is however a risk that should not be ignored since they are patients who have different forms of depression and it may not be detected.Advertising Looking for essay on ethics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More If we look at the intensity of pain argument, there are patients who have conditions where they suffer from extreme pain. Will these patients also be eligible for PAS? What will be the criterion used to include certain patients and exclude others? There are patients who do not want to be a financial or emotional burden to their family and friends. They are frustrated with the fact that they cannot work and do their basic activities without the support of someone. They want to be allowed to die. Is it only terminal ill patients who experience such frustrations? They are people suffering from severe forms of disability. They have to be assisted to do almost everything by their caregivers. Their hospital visits are costly. If PAS is allowed for the terminally ill patients, the doctors will be placed in a tough position since their predictions on life expectancy is what may be used as a yard stick. There are times the predictions are true however there have been situations where the pat ient’s body proves resilient and the patient ends up living for longer periods. Looking at the arguments for PAS based on physical, physiological and mental grounds, they do not provide sufficient justification at all for the legalization of PAS. Conclusion I began by outlining the moral, ethical and religious arguments against PAS. Doctors are employed to provide medical care and relief. They have taken an oath to do so. Life is sacred and no one should be allowed to play God. I have highlighted the arguments supporting PAS and shown why they are weak and unacceptable. Experts should be looking for medical solutions for suicidal depression and severe pain. PAS is a shortcut and refusal to deal with the problems facing the terminally ill. Works Cited Emmanuel Ezekiel, Dianne Fairclough and Linda Emmanuel. â€Å"Attitudes and Desires Related to Euthanasia and Physician Assisted Suicide among Terminally Ill Patients and their Caregivers.† Journal of the American Medical Association, 284(2000): 2460-2468. Print. Foley, Kathleen. â€Å"Competent Care for the Dying Instead of Physician-Assisted Suicide.† New England Journal of Medicine 336(1997):54-58. Print. Gill, Michael. â€Å"Is the Legalization of Physician-Assisted Suicide Compatible with Good End-of-Life Care?† Journal of Applied Philosophy, 26.1(2009): 27–45. Print. This essay on Physician Assisted Suicide was written and submitted by user Cornelius to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Free Essays on From American Dream To Rock Opera

The Search for New Direction in the musical. From the ‘American Dream’ to the ‘Rock-Opera’. 1950 to 1978 were low-spirited ones for the musical. American musical theatre had been showing signs of exhaustion. This most seemingly anti-intellectual of genres carries its own ‘ideological project’. Before this, the musicals not only exhibited singing and dancing; they were about singing and dancing, explaining the magnitude of that experience. They not only gave the most intense pleasure to their audience but also supplied the justification for that pleasure. The pop songs of the day were the songs from the shows. With the increase in number of radio stations and the availability of portable radios recorded music became the music of the masses. With the arrival of the Beatles in 1964, Rock music exploded across the land sending other musical trends into hibernation! The occasional attempt to break out of the old moulds were unsuccessful and led nowhere. They showed inadequacies; being unmelodic and formless. With rare exceptions, audiences rarely left the theatre si nging the show tunes. Rock and roll couldn’t be assimilated in a dramatic structure. The songs didn’t tell a story. If rock and roll was used it would mean songs did not enhance and push the story forward, they would be separate from the story. Not until 1960 did Broadway face up to the emerging vogue. Musical theatre accepted rock music grudgingly. The eminence of the British musical has been the most significant theatre phenomenon in the world over the last twenty years. It has not only given British theatres a greatly needed financial boost but has changed ‘popular’ theatre indefinitely. Never will audiences see new musicals in the style of Oklahoma!, Brigadoon and South Pacific. With these musicals there was a danger of tipping from musical into melodrama. They never throbbed with subtlety because someone was always bursting into song about how every thin... Free Essays on From American Dream To Rock Opera Free Essays on From American Dream To Rock Opera The Search for New Direction in the musical. From the ‘American Dream’ to the ‘Rock-Opera’. 1950 to 1978 were low-spirited ones for the musical. American musical theatre had been showing signs of exhaustion. This most seemingly anti-intellectual of genres carries its own ‘ideological project’. Before this, the musicals not only exhibited singing and dancing; they were about singing and dancing, explaining the magnitude of that experience. They not only gave the most intense pleasure to their audience but also supplied the justification for that pleasure. The pop songs of the day were the songs from the shows. With the increase in number of radio stations and the availability of portable radios recorded music became the music of the masses. With the arrival of the Beatles in 1964, Rock music exploded across the land sending other musical trends into hibernation! The occasional attempt to break out of the old moulds were unsuccessful and led nowhere. They showed inadequacies; being unmelodic and formless. With rare exceptions, audiences rarely left the theatre si nging the show tunes. Rock and roll couldn’t be assimilated in a dramatic structure. The songs didn’t tell a story. If rock and roll was used it would mean songs did not enhance and push the story forward, they would be separate from the story. Not until 1960 did Broadway face up to the emerging vogue. Musical theatre accepted rock music grudgingly. The eminence of the British musical has been the most significant theatre phenomenon in the world over the last twenty years. It has not only given British theatres a greatly needed financial boost but has changed ‘popular’ theatre indefinitely. Never will audiences see new musicals in the style of Oklahoma!, Brigadoon and South Pacific. With these musicals there was a danger of tipping from musical into melodrama. They never throbbed with subtlety because someone was always bursting into song about how every thin...

Friday, November 22, 2019

The analysis of polish economy based on IS-LM model through last 60 Term Paper

The analysis of polish economy based on IS-LM model through last 60 years (from 1950-2010) - Term Paper Example To understand the economic trend of Poland as a nation, it is vital to revisit the country’s history on a brief note of hoe it came into existence. Poland’s history can be traced back to 840 AD, where Slavic tribes inhabited Polish land. During this period upto around 1080, they experienced a number of challenges and misfortunes, ranging from corruption in their noble ancestral land, to the fear of facing invasion by foreign and neighboring nations. The partition of Poland first began in the 18th century when the Russian State organized invasion of the country in 1764, after they realized the feeble state in which Poland languished. Immediately after taking over Poland, Russia subdivided the country between themselves and their closest ally states. The country’s division took place into three partitions namely, Austria, Prussia and Russia. In the years to come especially between 1946 and 1947 communism took toll in Poland, integrating the country into the Soviet Union as a proxy state (Keynes 30) This meant that Poland joined the league of all countries under the Communist banner and rule. After the World War I and World War II in which Poland was involved in, parliamentary elections took place in 1947 and the Communist Social Party garnered over 85% of the votes hence, taking rule over Poland making it a Communist State. In regards to business and economy, IS-LM Structures, is a model, which helps in assessing sales revenue, with the help of a microeconomic data. This is possible through the testing of statistical data against the revenue, through the IS-LM model projected data that shows the sequence and time of the microeconomic data. The IS symbolizes the Income Spending whereas, LM symbolizes the Lending and Money supply. The IS-LM structure was introduced by Sir John Hicks, and has been vital in the wake of elaborating major economic terms in the Keynesian Microeconomics dating back in 1937 (Hicks 155) The IS-LM structure involves two economic graphs converging, one denotes income and savings and the other graph denotes the supply and demand of money. The vital variables in this model are the interest and income. According to Scholars like Mark Hayes in his book, The Economics of Keynes, income is a dependant variable, which is influenced by Intrest, which is the independent variable. In the LM curve, interest rate is the one influenced by income, which is now the independent variable. Despite this explanation, Hayes argues that, according to proposed variables by Keynes, most economist experts lose bearing in the IS-LM model. He states that, liquidity, consumption and income are the independent variables (Keynes 32) In the wake of 1970s, Poland underwent a serious negative change economically, when their highly priced economy base fell on the decline to its worst. Part of the problems included, unfavorable weather and economic targets, which had not been met. The prices of commodities rose up and out of control for people of the middle class level and lower class to afford. With the harsh economic times, many people turned to rioting as their cause of action, a move that did not go down well with the government, forcing them to result in drastic measures by taking matters in their own capacity (Hicks 149) The government declared a one-week state of emergency following the distorted economic state in the country. These helped in curbing the ongoing riots, but it was of no use since, many

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Discussion Question Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 4

Discussion Question - Assignment Example d in the GE official website, â€Å"during his 20 years of leadership in this position, Welch increased the value of the company from $13 billion to several hundred billion†¦ In 1999, Fortune named him the "Manager of the Century," and the Financial Times recently named him one of the three most admired business leaders in the world today† (General Electric Company (GE), 2012, pars. 1 & 7). As GE’s products and services have been reported to encompass various industries and customers worldwide (appliances, aviation, consumer electronics, electrical distribution, energy, health care, lighting, to name a few) (General Electric Company (GE0, 2012), the traits, style and characteristics exuded by Jack Welch made him effective in this organization. In one’s current role at work, the most relevant elements of that style that could be incorporated is the ability to discern which particular style would be applicable to the current situation or setting and to the particular personalities of the subordinates. As emphasized by Martires and Fule (2004), â€Å"the application of any one style depends on the situation† (p. 161). As exemplified by Welch, his leadership style could be very autocratic and at the same time be democratic depending on the needs of the organization. His ability to discern which style to apply made him most effective and enabled the tra nsformation of the organization to heights which have not been achieved prior to his leadership. Williger, D. (2007, November 3). A Number Of Famous Leaders And Their Different Leadership Styles. Retrieved May 15, 2012, from

Monday, November 18, 2019

NO TOPIC Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

NO TOPIC - Assignment Example This is evident in the fact that a panel of judges is carefully selected to question the inventors at all possible angles concerning their ideas and what good they would be to the customers. The invention of these employees is related to sales and marketing in the sense that the employees are required to have a ready targeted market in mind even during the conception of the idea itself. They are clearly asked what market their focus is centered on. This key principle of innovation calls for originality. In order for the company to take up the idea and actually invest in it they need to know if it is original or merely an improvisation of someone else’s brainchild. The judges clearly ask the employees if they are indeed mining an opportunity not currently used in the industry. Another key factor about innovation is details. Each product, in order to sell, must have well-defined details about what the clients are actually purchasing and what they will use it for as well as the how. This is evident in the article as noted from the judges’

Saturday, November 16, 2019

The mantle of mistakes

The mantle of mistakes A mistake is made, the consequences pour forward. For each mistake, there is the concomitant necessity to atone, but, if one corrects their mistake before it is too late, they may be able to evade that atonement. In William Shakespeares Romeo and Juliet, one is able to witness how severe mistakes that are neglected, and left unrealized, lead to the tragic destruction of the two protagonists. Romeo Montague and Juliet Capulet, the two protagonists, are from two different families, who have past rivalries and do not associate with one another. Romeo and Juliet hurriedly marry each other, but because of their ill-fate, they eventually meet their demise. Their death is caused not so much by their own flaws as by numerous obstacles in their path, which are created by other characters. The characters that induce the most dramatic and critical affect upon the young couples death, are Tybalt, the Nurse, and Friar Laurence.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The hot-blooded and furious cousin of Juliet, Tybalt, bears a grudge against Romeo, which inevitably leads to a series of misfortunes. When he confronts Romeo at the Capulets party, he is dishonoured in front of a whole debauchery because of Romeo. Later on, he pursues Romeo to take revenge, â€Å"Boy, this shall not excuse the injuries, that thou hast done to me† (Act III, sc i, ll 65-66), and erroneously slays Mercutio, Romeos friend. Romeo then slays Tybalt to avenge his friends death, and, runs away. Meanwhile, the Prince, who is the leader of the city, announces that Romeo is banished from Verona, â€Å"Immediately we do exile him hence† (Act III, sc i, ll 187). This causes Juliet to weep for her husband. Her parents assume that she is sad because of Tybalts death, and decide that she should get married to the County Paris immediately, which is a great misunderstanding. Above all, her father threatens to disown her if she does not marry Paris. T his forces Juliet to take drastic measures, and drink the potion that Friar Laurence provides her with, which is followed by the death of Romeo and Juliet. If Tybalt did not pursue Romeo and initiate the conflicts, neither Mercutio nor Tybalt would have met their end, and Romeo would not have been banished. If Romeo did not get exiled, Juliet would not have gone to such drastic measures to evade her marriage with Paris. If Juliet did not take Friar Lawrences potion, Romeo would not have killed Paris, or drank the poison, and Juliet would not have committed suicide. In other words, if Tybalt did not make the mistake of disregarding the Prince and Lord Capulets strict orders, the deaths of the innocent characters would not have occurred.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Besides the childish behaviour of Tybalt, an adult that should take responsibility for the tragedy is the Nurse. The Nurse is the person who has been taking care of Juliet since the day she was born. Unfortunately, even she makes mistakes. She helps the two marry each other. She even goes as far as to tell Romeo, that, â€Å"For the gentlewoman is young and therefore, if you should deal double with her, truly it were an ill thing to be offered to any gentlewoman, and very weak dealing† (Act II, sc iv, ll 163-166), meaning that she makes sure that Romeo knows, that he better mean that he wants to marry Juliet. The Nurse helps Juliet to get to her wedding, which is very foolish of her, since she does not even think the slightest bit about what would happen if the two were to marry. After Romeo is banished, the Nurse does not support him anymore. Moreover, she does not understand that Juliets love for Romeo is genuine, and not some childish infatuation. She be trays Juliet, even though she is a wise and experienced woman. She encourages her to forget about Romeo and marry the County Paris instead, â€Å"I think it best you married with the County† (Act III, sc v, ll 225), which discourages Juliet greatly, since the Nurse was the only person Juliet could earnestly confide in. This betrayal by the Nurse leaves Juliet alone to make her own decisions. The Nurse is supposed to be one of Juliets best friends. Now when it is important for Juliet to have someone support her, she is disheartened. She also knows of the secret marriage between Romeo and Juliet, yet she does not notify others of it. As a result, the Nurse thinks she is helping Juliet by leading her on that path, but, in truth, she is only helping her towards her death. That is an error that could have been easily resolved, but, she does not even know she made that error in the first place. Otherwise, if the Nurse continued supporting Juliet, she would have confided in her, and the Nurse could have stopped the whole tragedy from happening.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Likewise, the gullible and somewhat secretive Friar Laurence plays a big part in the death of the young couple. He is a Franciscan Friar and is well-known throughout Verona. The Friar does all his actions, without even slightly thinking about the results. He is present throughout Romeo and Juliets lives; he unites them, comes up with a plan to keep them together, and is an ally throughout their tragedies. Nevertheless, Friar Laurences foolish actions in marrying Romeo and Juliet, creating thoughtless plans, and his fear of committing sin, all contribute to the deaths of them. For instance, after the death of Mercutio and Tybalt, and Romeos banishment, Friar Laurence is still not aware of the consequences of Romeo and Juliets marriage. Instead, he continues his effort in reuniting Romeo and Juliet. The plan he concocts for reuniting them is very risky, and badly thought out. Juliet is willing to commit suicide if the Friar does not help her, so, to appease her, the Friar gives her a potion to drink, and that potion, would keep her in a death-like state for forty-two hours. Meanwhile, he sends a letter to inform Romeo of the plan, but it never reaches him. Friar John, the person who is supposed to deliver the letter, says this to Friar Laurence, â€Å"I could not send it-here it is again-† (Act V, sc ii, ll 14). This tells the reader that Friar Laurence does not tell the messenger the importance of the letter beforehand. Also, Friar Laurence does not abide by his agreement with Romeo, â€Å"Sojourn in Mantua; Ill find out your man, and he shall signify from time to time† (Act III, sc iii, ll 168-169), which means he would notify Romeo of happenings via his manservant, Balthasar. Furthermore, the Friar contributes to the death of Juliet by his cowardly behaviour in the tomb. He does not comfort her at seeing her love dead and he also does not give her hope for future life other than life among holy nuns, â€Å"Ill dispose of thee , among a sisterhood of holy nuns† (Act V, sc iii, ll 156-157). After that, he abandons her, as he does not want to be seen or caught in the midst of all the drama. This is very irresponsible, cowardly, and selfish, especially since Juliet threatens to kill herself in the presence of Friar Laurence earlier in the play. In short, because of Friar Laurences short-sightedness and mistakes that he overlooks, he dooms those he tries to help. He puts the core of the catastrophe into motion, all starting with rashness, hastiness and numerous bad decisions. He tries to please everyone, but ends up pleasing no one. Therefore, if the two did not know Friar Laurence at all, this would not have ended as a tragedy.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In brief, from the very beginning, the young couple is destined to die. Almost every decision that the three characters make, leads up to the deaths of Romeo and Juliet. The deaths are the fault of the people who do not realize their mistakes earlier, and now grieve. These characters are Tybalt, the Nurse and Friar Laurence. They assist fate in succeeding to not allow Romeo and Juliet to be together. All of them make considerable mistakes by not thinking before acting. If the Nurse had continued supporting Juliet, Friar Laurence had thought carefully and Tybalt did not hold a grudge, these deaths would not have occurred. The outcome would have been completely different. The errors and senseless decisions that they made, became the sorrow of their whole lives.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

An Educators Privacy and Social Networks Essay -- Education, Technolog

This document â€Å"An Educators Privacy and Social Networks† will discuss educator’s privacy, due to the incidents that have been happening in today’s society. With technology taking over the world, writing letters and making phone calls have been replaced with social networks. These sites allow a person to socialize quickly with one another by posting comments about anything that is on his or her mind. However, with this comes the thought of what should and should not be commented. Does society believe that teachers’ First Amendment rights regarding Freedom of Speech protect them in every situation? Many school districts and teachers are now moving into the 21st century by using more technology and social networking to teach and communicate. The positive aspects of using social networking allow educators and students to broaden their knowledge in social learning. On the other hand, the negative aspect is that there is a larger gray area regarding the clarification of professional conduct. The fact is that technology is growing quickly, and districts need to find a way to maintain awareness of the new technical information. However, with all the positives aspects also come negatives with social networking. The case study chosen is a true story that happened in the state of Connecticut. The article â€Å"Courtside†, by Perry Zirkel on the PSEA website, explains the case regarding Jeffery Spanierman versus Connecticut Technical High School. Mr. Spanierman is a second year teacher and had created a Myspace page. Myspace allows users to create their own profile page about his or herself, and includes photographs (Zirkel, 2009). This website page was created by Spanierman so that he could communicate with his students about their homewo... ...ucators and students using it understand how it should be used (Klein, 2008). As educators, we need to come to the understanding that technology has grown and is effective. Instead of trying to teach around technology, educators should learn how to use it correctly and in a meaningful way. Being a second year teacher, I had the opportunity to take classes on different ways technology can be used in the classroom. This allowed me to understand that technology helps students bring out their ideas differently and in a useful manor. I do think that Spanierman was really trying to be a part of his students’ lives. We forget that as teachers we’re not just there to teach, but to understand and help our students grow. It seemed like Spanierman was trying to be there for his students. However, the way he presented himself online was unacceptable to any professional.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Alcohol, Alcoholism, and the American Indians

Native Americans or American Indians had a particularly strong sense of identity.   Their clothes were special, their languages irreplaceable.   Besides, their tribal dances such as Kachina; traditional spirituality; stone weapons; strings or belts known as wampums; sand painting; and the habit of hunting the bison were all parts of their roots imbedded deep into their consciousness (Nichols, 1998).When the Europeans came to dislodge these roots by occupying the land that the Indians had believed to be theirs alone, the lives of the latter changed dramatically.   This was a time of cultural demise for the Indians, in fact.To drown out the pain of humiliation felt due to their roots being pulled out – the Indians found relief in alcohol.   Thus, Sherman Alexie (1993), a Spokane/Coeur d'Alene Indian, writes in The Lone Ranger and Tonto fistfight in Heaven: â€Å"’Go ahead,’ Adrian said.   ‘Pull the trigger.’   I held a pistol to my temple.    I was sober but wished I was drunk enough to pull the trigger.†Alcoholism becomes a means of drowning out the humiliation felt by the Indians.   By attempting to drown out the pain of cultural demise, the Indians are also making an attempt at self-renewal.   They have been forced to move to the West by the armed Europeans.The new government wants to assimilate them, and destroy the Native American culture in the process, seeing that the government is afraid of being overthrown by the natives.   Alexie uses Victor’s father as a metaphor for the Native American culture.   He writes: â€Å"†¦ your father will rise like a salmon, leap over the bridge†¦ He will rise, he will rise.†Ã‚   The continuation of the American Indian culture is similar to the revolving life cycle.  The author asserts that the Native American culture could keep on going like ashes flowing along the river.   The culture may also rise one day like salmon rise in the riv er all of a sudden.   The Native American culture could pass from generation to generation continuously.   However, many of the Indians have no faith in the restoration of their culture. Countless Native American people are, therefore, hopelessly drinking their lives away because they feel no motivation to live a better life.The Native Americans do not see a way to improve their lives despite the faint hope of cultural restoration.   Alcohol to them is a painkiller.   As the Indians have lost faith in recovering the Native American culture, Alexie also shows that there is no way for the Indians to get back their tradition and culture.   He writes: â€Å"With each glass of beer, Samuel gained a few ounces of wisdom, courage.But after a while, he began to understand too much about fear and failure, too† (Alexie 134).   At first, the Indians believe that alcohol may help them escape from the reality and relieve the pain of losing their rich culture.   But then, the y realize that the loss of their culture makes them afraid and worried.   They feel sad as a new culture takes over their spiritual traditions and dear customs, seeing that they have already failed in preventing their culture from being taken over by a new culture.   Hence, Samuel neither forgets his tribe’s culture nor accepts the new customs.Though his tribe’s culture is being exterminated, he has no way to stop this from happening.   All his life he has watched his brothers and sisters, and most of his tribe folks, fall into alcoholism and surrendered dreams.   So, now, Samuel, the one who never drank, also wants some drink to relieve his pain of roots being pulled out.   Moreover, he picks up the pieces of a story from the street and changes the world for a few moments in his mind to show how he truly can escape the world.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Respect Education Essay

Treating people with respect makes your world a nice place to live in, whether it’s at home, at school, or out in your community. And it’s easy-all you have to do is treat people the way you like to have them treat you. Respect is an important thing to give and to receive. Respect shows that you think that the other person has value and that you want to show them that. Education is so important because it is the key to a person’s future. If you have a good education it will help you to achieve all types of goals. Respect plays a huge role in our everyday lives. You may not notice it, but that’s only because they are being respectful to you. If you’re not respectful then you will be disrespected because you’re being mean. So you should always be respectful to others so they will treat you the way you want to be treated. A liberal education is at the heart of a civil society, and at the heart of a liberal education is the act of teaching. Education is the key to unlock the golden door of freedom. To get freedom you need education, to get education you need to learn how to respect. To respect you need to educate yourself. Respect in the education aspect of society is important because relationship between students and teachers, relationship between peers, and relationship between school. The secret in education lies in respecting the relationship between students and teachers. A student-teacher relationship is very important. The best teachers genuinely care about their students. They care about passing on their martial art right, not just going through the schedule and collecting the tuition. Respect plays a huge factor in this. A teacher affects eternity; he can never tell where his influence stops. When a teacher respects himself and the martial arts he teaches, his/her students will learn to respect them as well. It’s no use if the teacher was a skilled martial artist but lacks patience, open mindedness, communication skills, a positive attitude, and respect must be mutual. Students, likewise, need to appreciate the time and effort their teachers put into train them and not take their teachers for granted. The student must respect his/her teacher and hold him/her in the highest esteem, for this is a necessary prerequisite to accepting his/her advice. The student must trust the teachers concern. The students must commit him/her to following the instruction with utmost discipline, for only then can the intended effect be realized. The teacher also has some responsibility toward students. The first is fulfillment of the prerequisite of getting to know his/her students individually, to probe the innermost depths of their hearts as well as examining the outer details of their lives. A teacher must express love and affection toward his/her students. A teacher must take time to reflect upon his/her students’ progress, refining and adjusting his/her vision of how best to influence them toward positive change. You can teach a student a lesson for a day; but if you can teach him to learn by creating curiosity, he will continue the learning process as long as he lives. Friends are important in educational outcomes; most people agree that friends matter-not just for personal wellbeing but for achieving their goals in life. Several studies have shown this to be particularly. The case in education but the detection and measure of such peers effects is often found wanting. Using detailed information on friendship not works of American high-school students; this column finds that the friends we make at age 15 to 18 have a strong and persistent effect on our lives. Each student influences his/her classmates not only through knowledge spillovers and how teachers respond to students, but also in how he/she affects classroom standards. Less disciplined students are more likely to disrupt his/her classmates, forcing the teacher to devote more time in class to disciplining rather than transmitting knowledge. Therefore a student’s performance in school may be influenced by the characteristics and behavior of his/her peers. If these peers’ group effects are substantial, government policy may exploit them by optimally grouping students in different classrooms to achieve desired socioeconomic outcomes. He, who opens a school door, closes a prison. School maybe hard, annoying, and irritating, but admit it, you’re going to miss it when it ends. A school should not be a preparation for life. A school should be life. Relationship between schools is important because it affects respect in the education. God made the Idiot for practice, and then He made the School Board. A sustainable, positive school climate fosters youth development and learning necessary for a productive, contributive, and satisfying life in a democratic society. This climate includes norms, vales, and expectations that support people feeling socially, emotionally and physically safe. People are engaged and respected. Students, families, and educators work together to develop, live, and contribute to a shared school vision. Educators model and nurture an attitude that emphasizes that benefit of, and satisfaction from, learning. Each person contributes to the operations of the school as well as the care of the physical environment. However, there is a great deal of research that shows that many students do not feel physically and emotionally safe in schools. For example, a study forward evidence that high school students are fearful about going to school because of the violence and personal victimization some of them experience during the school day. Remember the philosophy of the school room in one generation will be the philosophy of government in the next. Respect, respect others, and respect yourself, respect school, Respect old people: they graduated high school without Google or Wikipedia!

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Joes Monologue From Great Expectations

Joe's Monologue From Great Expectations The novel Great Expectations by Charles Dickens is filled with memorable characters from all sorts of economic classes. Joe Gargery is a blacksmith and the brother-in-law of the novels main character, Pip. Pips life begins humbly, but due to some amazing circumstances, he acquires a fortune from a mysterious benefactor. Pips young life changes from that of an apprentice blacksmith to a gentleman, one who can afford to idly spend his time (and money) in Londons high society. Context of Joes Monologue In the monologue below, Joe has just paid a brief visit to see Pip in London. However, he plans to return to the country because the city life and its social complications do not suit him. In his touching farewell speech, he shows a keen self-awareness and an understanding of societys expectations. Although this monologue is taken from the actual novel, there have been many stage adaptations of ​Great Expectations. The following speech is ideal for actors playing an age range between early 30s and late 50s. Joe Gargerys Monologue From Great Expectations Pip, dear old chap, life is made of ever so many partings welded together, as I may say, and one mans a blacksmith, and ones a whitesmith, and ones a goldsmith, and ones a coppersmith. Diwisions among such must come, and must be met as they come. If theres been any fault at all to-day, its mine. You and me is not two figures to be together in London; nor yet anywheres else but what is private, and beknown, and understood among friends. It aint that I am proud, but that I want to be right, as you shall never see me no more in these clothes. Im wrong in these clothes. Im wrong out of the forge, the kitchen, or off th meshes. You wont find half so much fault in me if you think of me in my forge dress, with my hammer in my hand, or even my pipe. You wont find half so much fault in me if, supposing as you should ever wish to see me, you come and put your head in at the forge window and see Joe the blacksmith, there, at the old anvil, in the old burnt apron, sticking to the old work. Im aw ful dull, but I hope Ive beat out something nigh the rights of this at last. And so GOD bless you, dear old Pip, old chap, GOD bless you!

Monday, November 4, 2019

Police Entrapment Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Police Entrapment - Research Paper Example So it can be established that any act performed with the motive of damaging the framed jurisdiction can be phrased as Entrapment (Stitt & James, April 1984, pp. 111-112). In an entrapment activity police creates the favorable conditions for the commission of offense. But in this note it is to be mentioned that the offender does not play any such vital role. This act is majorly carried down entirely by the police itself. They are basically a ratification of laws making illegal acts which many people had addressed as â€Å"victimless crimes†. In order to prevent these inexcusable acts various special law enforcement agencies had been established with a view of preventing theses crimes as they did not result into complaints from the victimized. In this connection Dempsey and Forst (2013) said, â€Å"Inducement is the key word; when police encouragement plays upon the weakness of the innocent persons and beguiles them into committing crimes they normally would not attempt, it can be deemed improper because it is entrapment and the evidence is barred under the exclusionary rule†. It has been also said that entrapment is a confirmatory defense and can be easily raised at trial. It is based on certain belief where people should not be persuaded of a defense that is completely initiated by the government. It on the whole arises when the government representatives implant the seed with an intention of crime. This view on the contrary hold another prospective where it has been explained that by simply giving a person an opportunity of committing a crime cannot simply subjected to entrapment (Dempsey, Forst, 2013, pp. 151). Evidences specified that entrapment by police was not a new concept. It laid its root way back during 1959s where unjustified acts were forced to be proved as justified by the police. A case in USA gave rise to a revamped consideration of the defense of entrapment. The country witnessed many cases of entrapment by police then. The crime w as broadening at a remarkable speed. There also it was observed that the victims did not complain. It became mandatory for the law to take action against it. In order to prevent the criminal issues the government itself took initiative and actions. It strengthened the rule regarding entrapment activities. The police force being doubled it had been still impossible to execute the laws regarding entrapment. Special work forces like informers, special employees were deployed by the government for the evacuation of a crime as entrapment but the purpose did not get solved. There had been evidences which specified in some situations it became difficult for a police or official to make arrest for any of the crime just detailed. But in contrast there were cases too which witnessed that the answers regarding the enforcement law determined that in large measure opinions were with respect to the defense of entrapment. It was explained that one who opposed the categorization of crimes would cir cuitously hold up the concept of entrapment by police and thus would authorize its more repeated incantation (Williams, 1959, pp. 405). In addition to all this entrapment had also been referred as a proactive law enforcement strategy. This remark was made as because its dimensions included reactive strategies such as complaints investigation. Police entrapment followed series of under covered operatives

Saturday, November 2, 2019

RFID is increasingly used in logistics. Discuss its advantages and Essay

RFID is increasingly used in logistics. Discuss its advantages and disadvantages from a global perspective - Essay Example On an average more than one third of a non IT company’s revenue comes from the products and services that did not exist even five years ago (Nambisan, 2009). This data is quite shocking as most of the IT companies do not even depend heavily on IT services (Tan, 2002). In the mid 1990s the introduction of IT services has enhanced the product development process of the manufacturing companies (Nambisan, 2009). The operational efficiencies of the companies are mainly due to the effective contribution of IT services. Issues related to innovative design for manufacturing units, supplying goods, schedule optimization and production process can be solved easily. The second transformation in industries took place with the invention of internet and digitization of products and services. IT has increased the revenue of companies which deal in sales of products and services and reduced their problems. IT has reduced the communication gap between customers and companies (Nambisan, 2009). Different types of IT tools have been invented to support project management and product development. ... Introduction to logistics Logistics means the organized movement of goods, services and employees. The scenario of logistics industry has transformed because of globalization. The logistics system includes inventory, warehousing, facility site location, protective packaging, cargo insurance, handling of payments etc. Initially logistics was used for military purposes but now it is used for commercial activities. Trade and commerce has increased rapidly due to logistics system. Cost associated with logistics is known as transport and insurance costs. In logistics, channels are the most important component. Distribution channel help in physical movement of goods whereas transactional channels help in contracting and trading of goods (Wood, 2004). Importance of logistics The logistics are of economic and governmental importance because it facilitates trade and balance of payment. The success of a company usually depends on the successful operation of its logistic company. (Ailawadi and Singh, 2005). Logistics is also important for defence purposes because it helps in carrying defence equipments. It has helped in planning and coordination of activities in companies. It also helps in lowering and reduction of warehousing and storage costs of the company. Therefore, we can conclude that logistics plays an important role in developing and integrating an economy (Wood, 2004). Introduction to Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) RFID is a gadget that uses wireless data to identify data from tagged objects, people and animals. RFID is a cost effective technology used by many companies to enhance the efficiency levels of the workers. The technology was incorporated by companies like Walmart and Department of Defense (DoD). In 2003, Walmart introduced this